Category Archives: Higher Education

New Student #Blogs – Check them out!

The students in my Wintermester Social Media Marketing class are on a blog sprint. They are supposed to produce 8 posts and build some sort of audience in only 3.5 weeks for a blog about their passion! Why not check … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Higher Education, pedagogy, social media marketing | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

#Blog problems: Blogger’s Block? #Audience not growing?

A 17-minute SMM lecture on what to do if you encounter the two most common problems after launching a new blog: Blogger’s Block – I used up all the great article ideas! Where’s the audience? My goal is to motivate … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Digital Marketing, Higher Education, social media marketing | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Update: Favorite Social Sites of College Seniors

The initial survey of my 60 social media marketing students last August (see previous post!) generated some interest, so I thought I would update it for Spring Semester 2015. Weighted Scores – Favorite and Most Used Social Sites

Posted in Facebook, Higher Education, LinkedIn, Social Media, social media marketing, Teaching SMM, twitter | Tagged | 1 Comment

Essential Social Platforms for College Seniors

Yesterday I surveyed the sixty students, generally seniors majoring in marketing or communications, about which social media sites were important to them. I asked two questions:

What are your three most used social media platforms in order, and
What ONE social media platform is most important – the one you would keep if you had to have only one? Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Content, Facebook, Higher Education, LinkedIn, Social Media, social media marketing, Teaching SMM, twitter | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The 10 Principles of Social Media Marketing

This is the last week of my summer social media marketing class. Seven MBA students, most of whom are working during the day, have gathered together twice a week from 6 to 10 pm to discuss SMM for organizations. Last session I … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Content, Facebook, Higher Education, Social Media, social media marketing, Teaching SMM | 3 Comments

Why Teach Social Media Marketing: #Context and #Integration

If college students are so well versed on Social Media, why do I firmly believe that every marketing major, every business major and in fact every major would benefit from taking a course in social media marketing? Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Content, Facebook, Higher Education, internet, Klout, LinkedIn, Mobile computing, Personal Learning Network, Social Media, social media marketing, Teaching SMM, twitter | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

What is hot – Learning from my Students: Teaching SMM

“… If you want to master something, teach it.” – Yogi Bhajan

Some insights on social media platforms from my students in 2013/14 SMM classes:
– Instagram is THE ONE; Vine is only for professionals.
– Facebook is where new mothers and grandparents exchange baby pictures… And freshman post embarrassing pics that they must erase before graduation. (More) Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Facebook, Higher Education, LinkedIn, Personal Learning Network, Social Media, Teaching SMM, twitter | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

It is hard to do the #Flip! How much have you flipped??

I have been inspired to flip my classes, to move lectures and readings to outside the classroom…. and close the laptops and do hands-on projects in class. Even though I have been working to flip my classes for 3-4 years, I would estimate that they are only about 40-50% flipped!!! How much have you flipped?? Continue reading

Posted in Higher Education, pedagogy | 3 Comments

Personal Learning Networks… A #PLN keeps on giving!

A personal learning network is indispensable for a true life-long learner. No one person can keep up with the rush of information in her/his area of interest, but a good PLN can filter the information and keep one alert of important trends and developments. Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Higher Education, innovation, LinkedIn, Personal Learning Network, Social influence, Social Media, Teaching SMM, twitter | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

#Flip the flipping classroom!

“Flip” the classroom: Move lectures and readings to outside the classroom…. then close the laptops and do hands-on projects in class. Continue reading

Posted in Higher Education, innovation, Social Media | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments