Category Archives: LinkedIn

Are you a social salesperson? Really?

Are you a social salesperson? LinkedIn claims that “Our research shows those with an SSI (social selling index) over 70 see two times the new clients approached, meetings secured, and opportunities gained than those who lag behind.” Continue reading

Posted in Digital Marketing, Klout, LinkedIn, Selling, social media marketing | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Content Shock Illustrated

Mark Schaefer wrote an insightful post about Content Shock two years ago, explaining that a glut of content from hundreds of millions of blogs and websites was testing everyone’s capacity for attention. Therefore content marketing might be an unsustainable strategy … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Content, Digital Marketing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Social Media, social media marketing | 7 Comments

Update: Favorite Social Sites of College Seniors

The initial survey of my 60 social media marketing students last August (see previous post!) generated some interest, so I thought I would update it for Spring Semester 2015. Weighted Scores – Favorite and Most Used Social Sites

Posted in Facebook, Higher Education, LinkedIn, Social Media, social media marketing, Teaching SMM, twitter | Tagged | 1 Comment

Essential Social Platforms for College Seniors

Yesterday I surveyed the sixty students, generally seniors majoring in marketing or communications, about which social media sites were important to them. I asked two questions:

What are your three most used social media platforms in order, and
What ONE social media platform is most important – the one you would keep if you had to have only one? Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Content, Facebook, Higher Education, LinkedIn, Social Media, social media marketing, Teaching SMM, twitter | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Extended Posts on LinkedIn

Have you tried the new extended post feature on LinkedIn? What has been your experience? What are your concerns?? Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Content, LinkedIn, Social Media, social media marketing | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Why Teach Social Media Marketing: #Context and #Integration

If college students are so well versed on Social Media, why do I firmly believe that every marketing major, every business major and in fact every major would benefit from taking a course in social media marketing? Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Content, Facebook, Higher Education, internet, Klout, LinkedIn, Mobile computing, Personal Learning Network, Social Media, social media marketing, Teaching SMM, twitter | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

What is hot – Learning from my Students: Teaching SMM

“… If you want to master something, teach it.” – Yogi Bhajan

Some insights on social media platforms from my students in 2013/14 SMM classes:
– Instagram is THE ONE; Vine is only for professionals.
– Facebook is where new mothers and grandparents exchange baby pictures… And freshman post embarrassing pics that they must erase before graduation. (More) Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Facebook, Higher Education, LinkedIn, Personal Learning Network, Social Media, Teaching SMM, twitter | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Personal Learning Networks… A #PLN keeps on giving!

A personal learning network is indispensable for a true life-long learner. No one person can keep up with the rush of information in her/his area of interest, but a good PLN can filter the information and keep one alert of important trends and developments. Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Higher Education, innovation, LinkedIn, Personal Learning Network, Social influence, Social Media, Teaching SMM, twitter | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Social Media #Complaints! Put it to them??

A recent article suggested that social media would help kill bad customer service. How do you decide whether to publicly complain on social media??? Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Content, Facebook, Klout, LinkedIn, Social Media, social media marketing, twitter | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

Tips on #Teaching #Social #Media Marketing: Another Hangout!

Four members of the LinkedIn group “Teaching Social Media Marketing…” – Don Stanley, Jeremy Floyd, Matthew Kushin, and Gary Schirr – met for a Google+ Hangout to come up with 25 tips to improve teaching social media marketing. Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Content, Facebook, Higher Education, LinkedIn, Social Media, Teaching SMM, twitter | Tagged | Leave a comment