Tag Archives: Amazon

Can #Wal-Mart compete with #Amazon?

Wal-Mart SHOULD be a competitor in online retailing for as it is:

The biggest brick-and-mortar retailer in the world,
A leader in logistics, supply, distribution, and retail IT,
Blessed with deep pockets,
Everywhere, with so many locations, and
A fierce competitor. Continue reading

Posted in NSD Process, Online service delivery, Service Design, ServiceInnovation, Social Media Marketing | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

#Showrooming: Why Wal-Mart will lose to Amazon

Despite Walmart’s advantages, including convenient locations and logistics expertise, I suspect that their cost-cutting culture, – “everyday low prices” – may handicap them in competition with Amazon. This problem was illustrated when I went to Walmart recently to pick up an Internet delivery. Continue reading

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