More advice from new #bloggers

A year ago I shared advice from my social media class, 4 weeks into blogging about how to succeed at blogging. I am back, this time with advice from new bloggers 6 weeks into their new passion!

I think that bloggers six weeks into the craft have an interesting perspective: they have tried a variety of approaches but blogging is still new to them.

Some of the suggestions mirror a year ago; others are new. Here is advice from the 32 students in SMM 388-01:

Blogging class 2

On Blogging

  1. Try not to be too formal –  a grammatical version of your spoken voice may be ideal.
  2. Get more PERSONAL in the posts.
  3. Use personal pictures.
  4. Use video!
  5. Sweat the details: grammar, look, small paragraphs, good pictures.
  6. Spend time on TITLES.
  7. Benchmark other bloggers.
  8. Draw a picture within your writing.
  9. Choose your illustration before you finish writing

On Sharing Content

  1. Tag your WordPress posts; use #hashtags on your Twitter and Instagram promotion.
  2. Don’t be afraid to use in-person word of mouth promotion – tell your friends to read your blog!
  3. Repurpose content whenever possible. You can blog on Linkedin.

On Getting help or support for blogging

  1. Collaborate with other bloggers.
  2. Find a mentor who is a great blogger.
  3. Reach out to other new bloggers. Form a support group.
  4. Pay attention to feedback and activity – evolve!
  5. Get to know the influencers in your niche.


What is missing from this collection? What would YOU add?

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1 Response to More advice from new #bloggers

  1. Cameshia says:

    good content…I enjoyed it.

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